On January, 20, 2010 solemn opening of the Bryanchaninovs manor house took place
in the village Pokrovskoe of of the Gryazovetsky district. It's a unique
monument of history and culture of the federal value.
Restoration works on the monument were conducted with blessing of the Most Holy
Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Alexius II who twice in 1992 and 2007 visited
the native land of prelate Ignati (Bryanchaninov). Fr om 1997 to 2009 the
expenses on carrying out of repair - restoration works made 90,6 million roubles,
89,7 million roubles of which were the means of the regional budget. The control
over the restoration of the object of cultural heritage was exercised by the
Department of Culture and Protection of Objects of Cultural Heritage and State
Establishment of Culture « Management on restoration and exploitation of
Monuments of history and culture in Vologda Oblast».
Today here there is the Cultural - educational and spiritual center "
Bryanchaninovs Manor" which is in joint using of the Management on restoration
and exploitation of Monuments of history and culture in Vologda Oblast and the
local orthodox community of the Pokrovsky (Intercession) Temple. The cultural -
educational and spiritual center is the place wh ere the events of a spiritual -
moral direction, festivals, exhibitions and training seminars are supposed to be
held. Even now the manor is actively visited by tourists and orthodox pilgrims.
Now museum workers, restorers, representatives of the eparchy prepare for
display historical documents, archival materials, photos of village Pokrovskoe
life, prelate Ignatii and other representatives of the ancient Bryanchaninov
family, materials on scientific restoration of the manor complex. Also in the
house there's an exhibition of photo works by the Vologda Eparchy Head,
Archbishop of Vologda and Veliky Ustyug Maximilian, an exhibition of graphic
works « Christian motives in Russian engraving of XIX century », creations by
the honored artist of Russia V.N.Strakhov.
In the ancient manor there will be music, literary and theatrical evenings and
orthodox pilgrims from all Russia will be able to get acquainted with the
spiritual heritage of the greatest Orthodox theologian - Prelate Ignatii and
other sacred hermits of the Vologda Land.