Within the framework of the project «the Vologda penates» our city was visited by Belarus writer Svetlana Aleksievich. On April, 21 there was her meeting with the Vologda readers which took place in the regional philarmonic society. Svetlana Aleksievich is the author of five books based on the memories of people of different age on the modern problems. It is a real chronicle of many decades, from the Great Patriotic war and to the Chernobyl accident: «The war has not female face», «Last witnesses (100 not children's stories)», «Zinc boys», «Captivated by death» (stories of Russian suicides), «the Chernobyl pray. The chronicle of the future». Each of the books was written for seven - ten years. From 700 collected stories the book contains only one or two hundreds which comprise the saved up experience of this generation. As the writer admits, she has recently had such meetings less often because many words are not as effective any more as they used to be, they have lost their energy. «Nowadays there are many books, but they don't go down with the public. The majority of them do not touch us. And things in our world occur so quickly, that people have not time «to digest». But in each person there is «a text», in fact everyone somehow faces love and death. Collecting these «texts», I make a collage - biography-утопию of the country», - this way Svetlana Aleksievich characterizes her own books. Now she is finishing her new book – «Time «second hand». This one is to tell what happened to people after the collapse of the USSR, it is a story of the last two decades. And the title is chosen not incidentally: «It is my diagnosis of the time, we live not in a new fashion, but we live again. All repeats». The main problem of our society, considers the writer, is that we «do not pronounce» history. And now, when aggression amplifies, people do not know to whose voice to listen, they leave for their close, family and friendly circle, they search for something to rely upon there. Svetlana Aleksievich arrived to Vologda not simply to meet the readers, but also to discuss with them her impressions of the time in which we live. So, at the meeting there was a small discussion between young and senior generation. Probably, some ideas of the Vologda residents will be used in the new work. Books of the writer exist in 102 different translations, and the greatest tirazh of one of the books («the Chernobyl pray»), issued in France, was all bought up entirely. And one of the residents of this country confessed to Svetlana Aleksievich: «I love your books, but I would like not to know them, they injure consciousness». Now the writer, who has visited many countries and now lives in Germany, wants to travel about Russia. And Vologda attracted her because the city is connected to the name of Varlam Shalamov. Svetlana Aleksievich is planning to issue the book «Time «second hand» by the end of the year. And there are also new plans - the book of stories about love and the book of stories about the old age. Irina Sorokina